13 ways to start a life cleanse t o d a y <3

1. Stop to look in mirrors. Stare, for too long.

2. Give yourself time to grow & be your best possible self.

3. Treat your body like a temple. Drink lots of water & substitute fruit for sweets. Get lots of sleep & take lots of naps. Make yourself feel loved <3

4. Say kind things about people you like. Say kind things about people you don't. 

5. Make friends that love life as much as you do. Make friends that inspire you to be open to all opportunities & inspire you to love all aspects of life. Love others. 

6. Open yourself to new people.

7. Spend a considerable amount of time with your family. Especially if you don't want to.

8. Cats. Always cats.

9. Make up your bed. FYI: fresh, crisp sheets are to die for.

10. Accept that your journey is real. Your journey is valid. Only you know what you're doing & if you don't, even better. Take time to figure it out. 

11. Walk outside. Sit down. Close your eyes, & breathe.

12. Travel. It doesn't mater how far or how luxurious, as long as you spend time away from your current surroundings.

13. Read books. Read magazines, read comic books, & absorb poetry.

From time to time, to remind ourselves to relax and be peaceful, we may wish to set aside some time for a retreat, a day of mindfulness, when we can walk slowly, smile, drink tea with a friend, enjoy being together as if we are the happiest people on Earth.

— Thich Nhat Hanh