sitting down with filmmaker/director jaron ikner

How has COVID-19 affected you as a filmmaker?

Quite a bit actually. One of our actors in The Bond is immunocompromised, as a result, we went through extreme measures to make sure the set was clean to accommodate her.

How do you think the industry is changing?

I believe that indie-style storytelling is the future of cinema. We are getting away from massive blockbuster set pieces and are making room for more heartfelt and internal stories.

Let’s talk more about your most recent film: The Bond. Where did the idea come from?

The idea was essentially pushed by the recent pandemic. We actually shot a short film version of The Bond in the Summer of 2020. The Cast and Crew urged me to turn it into a full feature film.

How long did it take to create The Bond, and what was the process like?

The Bond Took almost two years to complete and was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. The biggest hurdle was wearing multiple hats, from directing, acting, editing and shooting, my plate was a little full to say the least.

Is it true you wrote a script in 10 days?

Yes, after my friends urged me to turn the short film into a full feature, we cut a trailer and put it on Gofundme. We raised almost 3k that week which prompted me to get the screenplay done as soon as possible.

What are the toughest aspects of making a film today?

Time. For sure. Setting aside enough time and dedicating yourself wholly to a project when a person has so many other things going on can be quite difficult.

You graduated from Scottsdale Film and Theater in 2019, do you feel like it’s essential to go to a film institute in order to become a successful filmmaker? Would you recommend?

Do I feel that it's ESSENTIAL? No. I don't. There are a variety of free resources and educational tools on the internet and abound that a person can learn from. However, I would absolutely recommend it. This is mostly because of the fact that you are surrounding yourself with like minded individuals in a similar field. Finding things like crew and talent can be a stones throw away and easier to access if you attend film school.

What/who inspires you?

The power of storytelling. Everyone has a great story to tell that the world should hear whether they realize it or now.

Any advice for aspiring filmmakers?

Just do it. So many people spend the time planning the execution but forget to actually execute.

*Attention bloggers, magazines, and freelance writers- for follow up interviews with the cast and crew, be sure to contact Sharry Flaherty of Samera Entertainment at: